Tampa FL

Trustworthy Private Loan for Home

Private loans can be very advantageous for you if used right, they can help you with quick funding, have flexible interest rates and conditions, and private lenders have few requirements before lending. If you want to become a homeowner but don’t have enough money then you don’t need to worry more because we have got you covered. We can provide you with a private loan for home in Tampa, FL, so you can make your wishes come true. With years of experience in business, we have a wide network of trustworthy private lenders that can give you the amount that you desire. Our team will negotiate on your behalf to get you a loan with easy conditions, we make sure to get you as much financial freedom as possible so that you can have enough cash for other expenses. Get in touch with us and our team will help you get started today!

Private Loan For Home

Best Jumbo Loan for Home now in your access

Jumbo loans are mortgage loans that exceed the maximum amount of mortgage set by the Federal Housing Administration. They provide benefits like more money, not needing a down payment, buying a larger home, and purchasing from more desirable markets. If the home you are looking to buy is of more value than the limit of conventional loans, then worry not because we can get you the best jumbo loan for home easily in Tampa, FL. We know many sources who can give you such loans for your needs without any problem. We get you loans with competitive interest rates, flexible terms and conditions, and an easy application process so you can have the amount you want as soon as possible. Our team is well-trained and can get you the loan based on your specific needs so that you are completely satisfied. Give us a call for more information!

Top 1099 Mortgage Loans; The Dream of the Home is not a dream anymore

We understand that self-employed individuals have a hard time getting normal mortgage loans. 1099 workers are freelancers, independent contractors, or self-employed workers, they don’t have a fixed salary which raises questions on their affordability, and hence don’t get conventional loans. But when we are here for you there is no problem, we can get you top 1099 mortgage loans in Tampa, FL. If you don’t have a fixed salary we will help you get easy loans based on your tax returns or bank statements. We have many sources through which we can give you competitive loans. Our team will listen to all your needs and get you loans that fulfill them. We will get you maximum financial liberty by getting easy terms and conditions so you don’t have to be burdened by anything else. Contact us and our team will provide you with easy solutions for all your problems!

Get in Touch

Let's Talk About Your Project.

I bеliеvе in making your journеy to homе ownеrship a smooth and strеss-frее еxpеriеncе. If you’rе rеady to takе thе first stеp towards your drеam homе, lеt’s talk about your projеct. My tеam of dеdicatеd еxpеrts is еagеr to assist you in finding thе pеrfеct mortgagе solution tailorеd to your uniquе nееds. Whеthеr you’rе a first-timе buyеr or looking to rеfinancе, wе’vе got you covеrеd. Rеach out today and start thе convеrsation that lеads to your idеal homе. Your futurе bеgins hеrе.

Step 1 of 16

Where are you looking to buy?

Best DSCR Mortgage Loans for Investors

DSCR loans are given based on the debt service coverage ratio of the investment rather than the borrower’s income. These loans are mostly taken by real estate investors for their new investment or to withdraw the equity on their existing property. If you need such loans in Tampa, FL, we can help you, our team can get you the best DSCR mortgage loans on easy terms and conditions and competitive rates so you can get what you want without burdening yourself financially. We have a very easy application process through which you can get a loan as quickly as possible. We can find a lender for you who can lend you the amount that you want. Our team will negotiate on your behalf to get you terms that suit you the most. We ensure that loan conditions don’t disturb your other expenses. Call us now and our team will fulfill all your needs in no time!

VA Loans for Home Program

VA loans are US government-backed loans available for veterans, servicemen, or their spouses. These loans have many benefits such as no down payment, no mortgage insurance, and very reasonable interest rates. If you are a veteran or living spouse and you want to buy a home, then we have got you covered. We provide VA loans for home programs in Tampa, FL, in which we get you easy loans from our lenders so that you can make your dream of a home come true. We make sure that you have the financial freedom you require, by getting your loans with conditions that are suitable to you. Our team is very highly trained and can negotiate on your behalf to find you loans with easy terms that don’t burden you much. We aim to help everyone who does not have a home, get in touch with us and our team will guide you through!

Mortgage Service

Let's Talk About Your Project.

Our dedicated team is ready to assist you with personalized mortgage solutions.
Let’s talk about your project and find the perfect mortgage option for you.

Get Peace of Mind with Conventional Loans

Conventional loans are loans which are not guaranteed by the government. There are certain benefits of these loans including transparency and peace of mind, stability, lower down payments and interest rates, and are easier to close. If you are looking to get a home loan that doesn’t disturb your peace of mind, then you should get a conventional loan from us. We get you market-competitive rates, lower down payments, and easy application processes so you can have what you want easily and quickly in Tampa, FL. Our team understands your needs and your financial situation, hence giving you the loan with the best terms and conditions so you can have maximum financial liberty. We don’t put you under huge financial pressure, but only what you can easily bear. We prioritize your satisfaction over every other thing, that’s why we help you however we can. Contact us, and we will be your partner in fulfilling your dreams!

Get yourself FHA Mortgage Loans for Home

FHA loans are only given by lenders that have been authorized by the Federal Housing Administration. These loans are guaranteed by the government so you get easy eligibility criteria, lower down payments, lower interest rates, and lower closing charges. If you want to buy your property and don’t have enough money, then we can get you easy FHA mortgage loans for a home in Tampa, FL, as they can be very helpful. Whether your credit score is high or not, we will get you the maximum amount you can get. Our team possesses all the knowledge and skills to help you fulfill all your needs. We provide you plans with competitive down payment, interest rates, closing costs, and easy loan conditions so you don’t feel any financial burden on you. We are your helpers who will get you your dream home. Give us a call and we will give you all the financial assistance you need!

Best Bank Statement Loans; The product for your business’s growth

The statement loans are given based on your account’s statement for the past year or two. These are used when your pay does not portray your complete income. These types of loans can give you quick access and don’t require tax returns or other sources of income. If you are an entrepreneur or a small business owner looking to get a loan for business expansion or buying new equipment in Tampa, FL, then we have the right solutions for you. Our team can get you the best bank statement loans so you can achieve whatever you want quickly and easily. We take you through a simple process with very little paperwork and quick approvals so your precious time is not wasted. Our team makes sure to give you a plan that is perfectly tailored based on your needs so you can get what you want while having maximum financial independence. Let’s chat to find out what can be the best options for you!

Top Non QM Loans Service for your unique financial needs

Non-qualified mortgage loans are loans that are made for unique financial needs, sometimes a person can not qualify for a conventional loan because of income and several other reasons. If you are looking to buy a home but are not yet able to qualify for a mortgage, then we are here to take away your problems from you. Jason Valdes – Elite Lending provides you with the top non QM loans service in Tampa, FL. We have a highly skilled team that can get you the loan with easy terms and conditions that fulfill your needs completely. Our team will secure loans with competitive interest rates and down payments for you so you can feel free without any financial pressure on you. We ensure to provide you conditions with whom you can take care of your other expenses too. Contact us and we will make your dream home a reality in no time!
